De Gemengebuet N°33 Januar 2025
Nombre de téléchargement: 148
English version - Article Sensibiliseierunscampagne Drénkwaasser (p.14-15)
Awareness campaign: Drinking water
Water is a precious resource without which nothing can survive. So it's important to protect our water and not waste it thoughtlessly.
Did you know that
- Only 2.5% of our blue planet is fresh water?
- In Luxembourg, water will start to run out in the next 10 to 20 years?
As the municipality of Steinfort, we have set ourselves the target of reducing water consumption from 120 litres per inhabitant per day to 100 litres per inhabitant per day. And we're on the right track: in 2023, our consumption was 104.11 litres per inhabitant per day!
By consulting your water bill, you can easily find out how much water you are currently using.
In general
What can you do?
- Repair water leaks as soon as they are discovered.
- Use water-efficient appliances (e.g. washing machines and dishwashers).
- Only use washing machines and dishwashers when they are completely full.
- Wash vegetables and fruit in a bowl, not under running water.
- Use water bottles.
- Inform and educate members of your family about water consumption.
Water in the bathroom
The bathroom is where we use the most water. This is particularly true when we take a bath or a shower. But even a water leak in the toilet can lead to an increase in water consumption.
Did you know that
- During a shower, we consume around 12 litres of water per minute? A full bath uses around 140 litres.
- A water leak in the toilet can be detected by the sound of running water, by a slight movement of water at the bottom of the bowl or by large traces of limescale in a particular place?
- We use around 40 litres of drinking water a day when we flush the toilet?
What can we do to save water in the bathroom?
- Limit showers to a maximum of 5 minutes.
- Turn off the tap while you brush your teeth.
- Choose an energy-saving showerhead with a flow rate of just 6 litres per minute. This saves up to 50% water.
- Equipping our toilets with a dual flush function. This saves 18 litres of drinking water per person per day.
- Checking our toilets for water leaks and descaling or changing the various seals.
Water from the garden
There's a simple way to save drinking water: harvest rainwater.
What can we do?
- Water your garden in the morning or evening.
- Plant drought-resistant varieties.
- A long-term solution is to install a collection basin firmly embedded in the ground. The water recovered in this way can be used both outdoors (garden irrigation) and indoors (toilet water).
- In the short term, we can also install normal tanks in the garden that collect rainwater. This water can be used mainly for gardening.
Did you know that
- For the installation of a rainwater harvesting basin, you can receive up to €1,000 in state aid? The Steinfort municipality will make an additional contribution of up to 20% of the public funding.
- By harvesting rainwater, drinking water consumption is greatly reduced, so your water bill is also lower?
- It's best to water the garden very early in the morning, when the soil is still a little cool? That way, the water doesn't evaporate as quickly as it does in the evening when it hits the warm ground, so less water is needed.
Water for the car
A lot of tap water is used to wash the car, especially in summer.
Did you know that
- Washing your car by hand causes toxic substances such as oils and lubricants to seep into the ground, endangering our groundwater?
What can we do?
- Instead of washing the car with the hose (+ - 400 litres), it's better to have it washed at a car wash (+ - 150 litres).
- Choose a carwash equipped with a water recycling system that uses only 10 to 50 litres of water.
Water in our products
All our products also contain virtual water, which is not immediately recognisable.
Did you know that
- Virtual water refers to the water used to produce all the products we use?
What can we do?
- Let's just be aware that our products often contain a lot of water, so let's try to reduce our consumption and waste as much as possible.
The table shows the amount of virtual water contained in various everyday products.
Tap water
We would like to draw your attention to the benefits of tap water. Tap water is a local and natural product, easily accessible to everyone.
Did you know that
- No other foodstuff is better controlled than tap water?
- Lime myth: Hard water is even healthier because calcium and magnesium are good for our bodies?
What can we do?
Drink tap water and enjoy the following benefits:
- Less waste: no unnecessary packaging required
- Less money: Tap water is over 100 times cheaper than bottled water.
And much more... For more information, visit
Version française - Article Auf dem Weg in eine tabakfreie Zukunft bis 2040
Commune de Steinfort : Vers un futur sans tabac d’ici 2040
La commune de Steinfort a pris un engagement fort et résolument tourné vers l'avenir en s'associant à l’initiative « Génération Sans Tabac ». Cette démarche ambitieuse s’inscrit dans la stratégie nationale de la Fondation Cancer, lancée en mars 2023, visant à créer une génération sans tabac d’ici 2040. À ce jour, Steinfort rejoint un mouvement regroupant déjà 37 partenaires, chacun.e contribuant à protéger les générations futures contre les dangers du tabagisme.
Un engagement clair pour la santé et l'environnement
La signature de la convention par le bourgmestre, Sammy Wagner, accompagnée des échevins Marianne Dublin-Felten et Guy Erpelding, marque le début d'une série d'actions concrètes en faveur d’un environnement plus sain. Lors de sa séance du 1er août 2024, le Conseil communal a ratifié à l'unanimité la convention, confirmant ainsi son approbation. « Nous avons une responsabilité envers nos citoyennes et citoyens, et cet engagement montre notre détermination à protéger la santé publique et à offrir aux jeunes un avenir sans fumée », a déclaré le bourgmestre Sammy Wagner.
Les piliers de l'initiative
L'adhésion à « Génération Sans Tabac » implique la mise en œuvre de mesures rigoureuses fondées sur plusieurs piliers essentiels. Parmi eux, l’augmentation annuelle des prix des produits du tabac est un levier important pour dissuader la consommation, tandis que des campagnes de sensibilisation ciblées auprès des jeunes visent à prévenir l’entrée dans le tabagisme. Par ailleurs, l'interdiction de toute forme de publicité pour le tabac contribue à réduire son attrait, et la limitation de l'accès aux produits du tabac diminue leur disponibilité. La protection des non-fumeurs contre le tabagisme passif est également cruciale, tout comme la promotion et le soutien au sevrage tabagique, offrant un accompagnement aux personnes souhaitant arrêter de fumer.
Vers un espace communal sans fumée
Steinfort s'engage à créer des zones sans tabac, à sensibiliser ses et à organiser des événements promouvant un mode de vie sain. Des mesures immédiates ont déjà été prises, comme le déplacement des cendriers devant la maison communale et l'affichage de messages informant les visiteur.euse.s de la nouvelle orientation sans tabac de la commune. Progressivement, tous les cendriers des bâtiments municipaux seront déplacés pour renforcer cette politique.
Impact positif sur la santé et l’environnement
En adhérant à ce label, Steinfort ne se contente pas de réduire le tabagisme ; elle aspire également à minimiser l’empreinte écologique liée aux déchets de cigarettes et à la production de tabac. L’initiative reflète une approche holistique du bien-être collectif, montrant que la santé des habitant.e.s et la protection de l’environnement vont de pair.
Cet engagement, soutenu par l’expertise de la Fondation Cancer, symbolise la volonté de Steinfort de devenir un modèle pour les autres communes, promouvant un avenir sain, responsable et durable.
Vous trouvez plus d’informations sur « Génération Sans Tabac » sous :